The importance of integrating fuzzy logic analysis and artificial intelligence in decision-making in economic organizations: A Bibliometric Study

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Idrissi Mokhtar
Abrou Djebli
Souar Youcef


Fuzzy Logic is a contemporary tool, plays a vital role in decision making within economic institutions. It helps to understand the complexity of the uncertain and rapidly evolving economic landscape. A bibliometric analysis of 70 research papers from the Scopus database highlighted the importance of fuzzy logic in decision-making processes. The findings suggest that research trends integrating fuzzy logic and artificial intelligence for decision making in economic institutions remain limited, which hampers the ability of organizations to process and make effective, optimal decisions, ultimately affecting their performance and economic efficiency.


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How to Cite
Idrissi Mokhtar, Abrou Djebli, & Souar Youcef. (2024). The importance of integrating fuzzy logic analysis and artificial intelligence in decision-making in economic organizations: A Bibliometric Study. IJEP, 7(02), Pages: 115–140.
Author Biographies

Idrissi Mokhtar, University of Oran2 (Algeria)


Abrou Djebli, Meghnia university center (Algeria)


Souar Youcef, University of saida (Algeria)

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