The International Journal of Economic Performance (IJEP) uses Open Journal Systems (OJS), which is open source journal management and publishing software developed, supported, and freely distributed by the Public Knowledge Project under the GNU General Public License.

we use The Double-Blind Peer Review neither authors nor reviewers know each other’s informations.


Editorial Board Members may provide advice on manuscripts submitted but are not involved in the final decisions. Manuscripts submitted to IJEP are assessed by our experienced in editorial team, who take all decisions based on an extensive and rigorous peer review process by academic experts outside the establishment of authors ou who specialize in the manuscript topic. Peer reviewers are expert chosen by journal editors to provide written assessment of the strengths and weakness of the article with the aim of producing the highest-quality material of the journal. They are selected based on expertise in a specific field nomination by existing editorial board members, and other factors. Peer reviewers for the journal are also selected by the Editor-in-Chief. All manuscripts are subjected to rigorous double blind peer review , the identity of the peer reviewers is not revealed to the authors, and the identity of the authors is not revealed to the reviewers, as long as the authors have adequately removed all identifying information from the manuscript. The review process involves an objective assessment of the scientific rigor of the research as well its significance and contribution to advancing knowledge in the field of economic thought. The Article Reviewer Form is provided to the appointed reviewers.