Business accelerators as a new mechanism to support and accompany start -up in Algeria Case study “A-Venture” model

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Daghrir fathi


This study aims to identify business accelerators as an important mechanism for strengthening the entrepreneurship ecosystem in Algeria, especially for startups seeking guidance, and funding through intensive and accelerated programs. A descriptive approach was used to address the research question, focusing on the A-Venture Accelerator as the first public accelerator model in Algeria. The study highlights the various services and facilities provided by A-Venture to ensure the success and sustainability of startup companies. The results reveal that accelerators play a pivotal role in supporting and guiding startups through extensive educational programs and technical expertise to accelerate their growth and ensure their sustainability. The study recommends creating a comprehensive and advanced ecosystem that includes all stakeholders involved in startups, including finance, policies, markets and culture, to contribute to the progress and development of this type of project.



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How to Cite
GHODBANE khaled, & Daghrir fathi. (2024). Business accelerators as a new mechanism to support and accompany start -up in Algeria Case study “A-Venture” model . IJEP, 7(02), Pages: 229–248.
Author Biographies

GHODBANE khaled, University of Souk Ahras (Algeria)


Daghrir fathi, University of Souk Ahras (Algeria)
