Evaluating The Effectiveness Of The Exchange Rate-Channel In Transmitting The Impact Of Monetary Policy To Inflation In Algeria: From ( 1990 - 2017) - An Econometric Study

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         This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the exchange rate channel in transmitting the impact of monetary policy to inflation in Algeria during the period (1990 – 2017 ), by trying to answer the problem of the study which is: in measuring the effectiveness of the exchange rate channel in transmitting the effects of monetary policy to inflation in Algeria, relying on the SVAR autoregressive methodology.

     The results of the study led to the acceptance of the second hypothesis, which is that there is little relative effectiveness of the exchange rate channel in transmitting the effects of monetary policy to inflation in Algeria, which reached a rate of (0.09%).


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How to Cite
Hassani BOUHASSOUN. (2024). Evaluating The Effectiveness Of The Exchange Rate-Channel In Transmitting The Impact Of Monetary Policy To Inflation In Algeria: From ( 1990 - 2017) - An Econometric Study. IJEP, 7(01), Pages: 221–236. Retrieved from https://ijep.dz/index.php/IJEP/article/view/315
Author Biography

Hassani BOUHASSOUN, Adrar university (Algeria)

Teacher researcher